Tuesday, July 15, 2008


I love all kinds of arts and crafts and recently started my new line of artwork called Trapezoid Art. Making an error while cutting paper for an envelope gave me the idea for a trapezoid shaped envelope and card. That is how "Trapezoid Art" was born. If you are wondering, Math was my major in school.

All my artwork here is simple, elegant, and contemporary in style and really captures the eye. Please come visit my etsy store for my original artwork and check out my latest creations and feel free to leave me any positive and/or negative comments.

If you are interested in ordering products created using my drawings, check out the zazzle link on this blog.

This was my first creation in this line of artwork and was named "Flutter by a Butterfly"

Interesting fact:
Have any of you heard about the "Butterfly Effect"? Edward Lorenz who was a mathematician and a meteorologist had laid the foundations for chaos theory. His study in weather patterns lead to the theory that the flutter of a butterfly in Brazil could ultimately produce a tornado in Texas .